Women In Business Network (WIBN) creates networking events for women who are self-employed or own small and medium-sized enterprises to create and establish new and exciting relationships.
WIBN values a sense of community. They help create a safe environment for women to grow their businesses and meet other exciting independent companies.
Following a takeover by new owners, WIBN was looking for something to help make its business unique, and that’s where we stepped in.
WIBN wanted to be the place for women-led businesses to connect with new people and build on their existing relationships.
We started by delving deep into their social media to assist them in improving their brand awareness, both within their company and beyond. To this end, Facebook advertising was and still is instrumental in reaching a bigger pool of potential members.
Along with growth, we work hard to ensure that, at its core, WIBN remains supportive of its members. Our interaction with individuals in the comments helps with this. A simple task that may not seem as important as driving sales, but can go a long way toward strengthening that community feel and retaining members
The combined efforts have skyrocketed the network and have been fundamental to WIBN’s fast growth in business networking circles and its attraction of new franchisees.
Over the years, our working relationship has grown more robust due to our ability to adapt and accommodate the new requirements of a growing franchise.
Contact us for a free, no-obligation strategy review to learn how our unique approach can benefit your business.